You can identify your individual symptoms and catch low blood sugar early to treat it. Summa Heath shares 4 lifestyle modifications that you can implement to balance your blood sugar.-- and help reverse the effects of insulin resistance and lower your risk for Type 2 diabetes, even reverse a diagnosis. Let's examine the blood sugar levels of people with diabetes based upon their age. If your blood sugar did not go down, take a dose of insulin by syringe or pen and check your blood sugar in 1 hour. It may be useful to track your alcohol intake, note your supplements, and monitor how active you are and your weight. The American Diabetes Association recommends that everyone over the age of 35 have regular screenings. Healthy eating habits and portion control are key to managing blood sugar. Bring your glucose meter and blood glucose logs to all medical appointments. Call your doctor if moderate to large ketones are present. You can treat some hypoglycemia-related conditions by making changes to your child's medication and diet.