This can make your diabetes worse or lead you to gestational Diabetes. It has powerful components that increase blood sugar drain of the kidney which controls blood sugar. If your blood sugar is high and you urinate more than usual, it could be a sign that you are losing water. Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance policies cover the A1C and fasting blood glucose tests as well as certain diabetes supplies. To avoid many of these complications, keep your sugar levels as close to normal as possible. It is high in Delphinol which has medicinal properties for the body. It was also discovered that chromium can be used to treat polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which is closely related to insulin resistance. Blood glucose levels can vary among different age groups and at different times of the day. Blood sugar below 70 mg/dl could cause mental confusion or unconsciousness. The University of Sydney, Australia, maintains a searchable database of foods with corresponding glycemic indexes. You might get diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious condition. It lowers your risk of developing all types of diabetes-related health problems.